Theatre is for all students

Theatre is for...(#9) | Theatre Avenue

Theatre is for all students, from drama and dance educator Tara Taylor

Theatre is for...


"In my role as Theatre and Dance Educational Specialist for Fairfax County Public Schools, I support and advocate for theatre to be available for all students in their K-12 education. As I have had opportunities to visit and research theatre education programs across the united states and abroad, you find that many districts and/ or schools don’t have theatre courses, teachers, or offerings. I believe that every student should have the opportunity to take a theatre class and/ or be a part of a performing ensemble or production team. In a world that has become more connected but increasingly disconnected, theatre provides essential skills and experiences that our kids need. Theatre education and experiences can change a kid’s life, give them a reason to come to school- it did for me—I would like to support all kids having that same opportunity in their K-12 public education."

Tara Taylor is a longtime theatre educator and works at the school district level in Virginia to advocate for the performing arts.

Read the full interview with Tara HERE.


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