African Grasslands, one of Theatre Avenue's professional Lion King projections.

The Sun Will Rise

African Grasslands Lion King Projection

“I know that the night must end, and that the sun will rise.”

- The Lion King

Our country is facing unprecedented odds...and we at Theatre Ave have "felt all the feels" over the past eight weeks. The joy of being around family. Uncertainty about the future. Hope for the best of humankind to surface.

We all love shows that pull your heart into the story....Hamilton, Les Mis, The Lion King....situations that seem impossible, and characters who overcome great odds. As we find ourselves facing our own obstacles, we have committed to searching for the good things. The best stories come from the greatest obstacles, and we have no doubt we will discover stories worth telling through this season!

In two months we've experienced communities coming together to support one another. We've laughed at our quarantine quirks. We've cried with friends who have lost jobs. We've brainstormed with theatre teachers about creative ways to move their programs forward.

We want to help you too! Check out this African Grasslands projection (great for shows like The Lion King!) and many more in our online catalog

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